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You will be added to a mailing list where you will receive

  • Updates on the development journey of the network state
  • An invitation to join the participation protocols of the network when it comes online

For those who are believers and still wish to contribute. You may nominate an amount.

After 1 year at the suggested amount (or selecting yearly in the payment options) you will gain access to a curation of the best healers, courses, retreats, tools and resources. Honest reviews of each of them. This resource will continue to grow over time and will save 1000's in hours of research and trialing various healers etc.

Initially this will be curated by me. Then it will include contributions from the core people being added to the network.


What are the participation protocols?

Collective planning, decision making and budgeting.

Will you invite everyone?

Yes! I will do invitations in batches. Those selected to be invited will be based on a formula that will be shared publicly. The key parameters of this formula will be how early your support was, the duration of your support (if you cancelled or paused you will still receive an invite), the total cumulative amount of your support.

I want to support but $44 is too much for me right now.

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$44.44+ a month


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